Welcome! This is the art I am currently designing.

Category : Uncategorized

I have been toying with image ideas to promote the Nashville zoo. The tourists that come to Nashville might be a good resource to find a daytime activity for the kids. Inflatable giraffe necks looking over the crowd would be a “mind sticker” that people would remember when they got back to their hotel rooms and settled.

Hello world!

Category : Uncategorized

Well, I just got this new website up and running. I have plenty of work that I’m going to add. I have the entire body of work my Dad did for family and friends to view and remember. Then, I will load most of the art I have done over the years. I will make 3 categories. One from my forgettable high school years. One from my adult years. And the last will be ongoing and recently finished art and commissions in work. Keep watching for the changes.